And now our hot models CNC 6090 and CNC 6040 not only support USB interface, but also new support to Mach3 USB controller.
Some users asked for how to run the Mach 3 Software in our mini CNC 6040 and CNC 6040?
Today, let us talk about it, if you already install the mach3 software in your notebook or computer well, and there are just 5 steps as below:
Step 1. Open the Mach3 software.
Then: Click Download G-CODE and Select the right code as below picture. (Remember you put your code in which file)
Step 2. Input the G-code for engraving
Step 3. Move the X-Y-Z-4 axis to the starting point
Step 4. Change the X-Y-Z-4 axis parameters into zero
Step 5. Click Cycle Start.